Can you play dragon age inquisition for pc offline
Can you play dragon age inquisition for pc offline

can you play dragon age inquisition for pc offline

Haven't seen any half working features either.Ĩ- That is talking about colors, who cares, doesn't matter. Some people might appreciate a more simplified system, and don't care for all the bells and whistles that Steam has. Even then, both Origin and Steam use very little resources, both of them using 0% of CPU process while I am playing the games.ĥ- Nothing to do with the APP, irrelevent to the discussionĦ and 7- Monopolies are bad, competition is good. Steam 108MB also it has webhelper running which takes an additional 89MB. So this seems like a wierd complaint.Ĥ- Origin: 117MB of ram. Though Steam seems more like a browser than Origin does. You can launch the game through the Origin App. SO if i dont have internet, i dont play my games.ġ- It does have Offline mode, and it works, more reliably then I ever had with Steam.Ģ- Nothing to do with the APP, irrelevent to the discussion.ģ- Umm, no it doesn't. Origin has no offline mode, not last time i checked. And bringing back point 5, people like me, still remember things like 2012, Mass Effect 3, where a day one DLC includes a damn Prothean. To say "Origin is fine", or that "its no different from steam", is having low standards roll around in the mud. With Origin the online friend is now green, and ingame is blue.

can you play dragon age inquisition for pc offline

An online steam friend is colored in blue borders, green if ingame. Joining a friends game, hour counters on your titles? forget about those little things, you're spoiled!Ĩ. Overlay is ♥♥♥♥, so are the half working features.

Can you play dragon age inquisition for pc offline install#

Origin is redundant and useless, its sole purpose is to (try) uproot another platform from #1, it fails miserably, while forcing you to install it just for. Due to 3, it invariably uses far more resources.Ħ. Origin launches games thru a damn web browser, talk about bad.Ĥ. EA charges more than most digital distributors.ģ. SO if i dont have internet, i dont play my games.Ģ.

Can you play dragon age inquisition for pc offline